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Flowers - Bulbs, Corms, Rhizomes And Tubers That Are Dark Colored

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I prefer bulbs, are they available in dark colors?

Flowers - Bulbs, Corms, Rhizomes And Tubers That Are Dark Colored

If you prefer to plant your garden with bulbs, corms, tubers or rhizomes, you can still have black or almost black colored plants. Although many of these tropical or tender perennial they will grow in cooler climates and will just need dug up and stored overwinter. Some good choices are:
Arisamea sikokianum, Arum pictim, Asarum maximum or magnificum, Biarum tenuifolium, Cosmos astrosanguineus, Dracunculus vulgaris, Fritillaria (several varieties), Hemerocallis (single and double flowered varieties), Iris (several varieties), Orchids (again several varieties), Tulipa and Zantedeschia 'Schwarzwalder.'
The degree of blackness will vary depending on your soil, planting location, etc.



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