March 7, 2008, Newsletter Issue #202: (B) Victorian Summer Bedding Scheme No 1

Tip of the Week

The original varieties of plants are listed, with my suggestions for modern-day varieties at in similar colours at the end
The Dot Plants
To give some height to the bed, space some Fuchsia triphylla "Andeken Au H. Henkel"( Salmon flowers & Bronze foliage), thinly throughout the bed.
The Main Planting
Plant alternately Geranium "Mrs Quilter"( red flowers, bronze and yellow foliage 18" tall), Centaurea candissima : silver foliage. 2ft tall)
The Edging
Plant a double row of the Lobelia "Blue Stone" at the edge of the bed/border. 4" Tall , light blue flowers.
Modern varieties that might be more readily available are:
Dot Plants:
Fuchsia "Thalia" Orange flowers with bronze foliage.
Main Planting.: You can still buy the original Geranium, but any scarlet flowered type would give a similar effect. Similarly Centaurea candidissima is still available, but Cineraria "Silver Dust" is more readily available.
Edging: Lobelia "Cambridge Blue"

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