January 2, 2009, Newsletter Issue #245: Hostas:The Plantain Lilies.

Tip of the Week

In our fore-fathers time,Hostas were known as Funkias. Doesn´t the old name suit them well?
Hostas grow best in cool shady areas with moist soil and look fantastic in containers.
All are grown primarily for their bold foliage, but the lilac or white flowers are also beautiful and in some varieties scented too.
Hostas are undemanding, requiring only reasonably fertile soil, some protection from slugs and snails and that they do not dry out in summer.
Mature clumps can be lifted in early spring and split up and replanted to increase your stock.
Below are some of the best varieties:
Hosta "August Moon" :Height 2´6" ,Large green foliage.
Hosta "Halcyon" :Height 2´, Bluey gray foliage.
Hosta "Wide Brim" :Height 18" Green foliage with a broad irregular cream edge.
Hosta "Mediovariegata" :Height 2´6" Wavy foliage,cream edged green
Hosta Snowflakes :Height 18" Medium green thin foliage, white flowers.
Hosta "Francee" :Height 2´ Green foliage with a thin white edge.
Hosta "June" :Height 2´ Bright yellow edged green
Hosta "Frances Williams" :Height 2´ Glaucus gray with a bright yellow edge.
Hosta "Patriot :Height 2´ Green and white foliage giving a striped effect.
Hosta "Sum and Substance" : Height 2´6" Large pale yellow or lime green foliage

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