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Plants For The Front Of The Herbaceous Border: H

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How do I plant a herbaceous border?

Plants For The Front Of The Herbaceous Border: H

Hemerocallis "Baley Hay": Apricot. 18"Tall. Mid-late summer.
Hemerocallis "Stella de Oro" Primrose yellow 1 ft tall. Mid-late summer.
Hemerocallis "Summer Wine"Deep pink. 2 ft tall. Mid-late summer
Heuchera brizoides: Scarlet. 18"Tall. Mid-late summer.
Heuchera "Beauty Colour": White. Excellent purple and silver foliage.18"Tall. Mid-late summer.
Heuchera "Ruby Veil" : Intense purple foliage. White flowers.18"Tall. Mid-late summer
Heucharella "Bridget Bloom": Lilac.I ft tall. Mid-late summer.



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